
2024年12月22日  星期日

產(chǎn)品資訊 / Product

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Power Box PMD-AD


        The power distribution cabinet includes DC distributing unit and AC distributing unit. DC distributing unit can access DC power imported from combiner box to the inverter. It includes DC input circuit breaker, antiglare diode and photovoltaic SPD. AC distributing unit mainly distribute power to the inverter to get utility interface. It includes line side circuit breaker, SPD, configuration power meter, inverter utility interface and AC voltage ampere meter, etc.


■Specifications: 10kW ~ 200kW;
■Simplify system wiring;
■Simple operation;
■Easy maintenance;
■Improve system reliability, security;
■Use high-quality device as ABB circuit breakers, Phoenix SPD;
■Can be customized according to customer’s needs;

wiring diagram

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