
December 22(Sunday) , 2024

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Regulated Power Supp

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Load Classification

發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2010/02/24 人氣 :9825

·Load Classification

In accordance with the nature of the load: resistive load, inductive load, capacitive load.

Resistive load: the load current compared to power when there is no phase load voltage is resistive (such as the load for the white flag lights, electric stove).

Inductive load: the load current when the load voltage is a phase lag when the load is inductive (such as the load motors, transformers).

Capacitive load: the load current when the load voltage of a phase advance is capacitive (such as the load for the compensation capacitor).


南京市| 黄石市| 泰州市| 通山县| 宁津县| 临颍县| 和平区| 越西县| 长宁县| 本溪市| 崇州市| 囊谦县| 孝义市| 霸州市| 丰原市| 融水| 达尔| 麟游县| 左贡县| 延长县| 阜新| 元朗区| 莫力| 邢台市| 福清市| 连州市| 石河子市| 扎兰屯市| 张北县| 阳新县| 徐汇区| 东宁县| 汶上县| 永春县| 邢台县| 铁岭市| 连州市| 永新县| 海阳市| 蚌埠市| 策勒县|