
December 22(Sunday) , 2024

HR / 人力資源


Research and development of production

Position:Home > HR > Research and development of production

15.Production clerk (2)

15. Production clerk (2)


1. Be responsible for statistical reports and analysis of production reports and record and check staff attendance for Production Department;

2. Be responsible for production documentary control and coordination to ensure progress and quality;

3. Be responsible for the purchase, distribution and registration of daily office supplies; manage office equipment;

4. Assist supervisors and foremen to accomplish the project promotion of production department.


1. Under 28 years old; college degree or above in public administration, secretary and other related majors; people with over one year’s work experience in production clerk have priority in admission;

2. Proficiently use Office and other software;

3. Write fluently; be able to compile notice and circular independently; have strong expression and communication ability.

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