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Problems Arising From Inappropriate Match Between Diesel Generator and UPS

發(fā)布時間: 2010/02/24 人氣 :11944

·Problems Arising From Inappropriate Match Between Diesel Generator and UPS

Due to power supply and system design and other factors, customers generally put diesel generator and UPS in conjunction in order to meet the higher demand for electricity supply. However, in practice, there are often some problems:

1. generator output voltage will cause shocks, and will even as high as ± 10% ~ 20 %(+/- 10% -20%), even when adjusted to the best condition, the output of the shock will still be higher than at least 2% or more of the normal UPS impact on working conditions, the most extreme situation is that UPS cannot be transferred to the state electricity to run, and will cause direct energy consumption of batteries.

2. the current shock: even when UPS brought about by the work of the stability of the non-linear load, the oil machine output current was still ± 20% ~ 50 %(+/- 20% -50%) within the framework of shock, and this shock is unable to adjust.

3. frequency vibration: frequency range of vibration is usually smaller than the voltage and current amplitude vibration, but its impact is greater, which led directly to UPS and battery-powered electricity in the city frequently to switch between states. At the same time, because diesel engines lead to increase the vibration of its own to accelerate mechanical wear according to the load change, and resulting in the premature aging and even damaged parts.

UPS and diesel engines are usually in order to ensure co-ordination, taking into account the need for UPS itself is running on diesel ratio requirement is that UPS's own capacity 6-8 times (on-line interactive UPS is concerned), this ratio has resulted in diesel engine itself is too light and produce the load carried by a large horse-drawn cart phenomenon, insufficient of long-term fuel oil can cause severe carbon deposition, increase cylinder wear, and reduce the diesel engine reliability. 
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