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What Issues Should Be Noted by EPS Operator

發(fā)布時間: 2010/02/24 人氣 :1878

·What Issues Should Be Noted by EPS Operator

1. strict accordance with the manual instructions;

2. on a regular basis to check the output circuit and the battery condition;

3. on a regular basis to check EPS inverter function (usually from February to March / time):when problems occur, notify the dealer or manufacturer problems in a timely manner;

4. EPS mandatory starter switch in the non-critical juncture can not be started, even if the test can not allow the battery usually compulsory discharge is too deep. You should be able to verify that this feature is normal, generally a few minutes on the line;

5. check the output circuit with a load exceeded the rated maximum output power of EPS or not, if the output is not overloaded and circuit breaker doesn’t jump is in time, which may cause power outage EPS inverter cannot start.

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