
December 22(Sunday) , 2024

Products / 產(chǎn)品資訊



Position:Home > Products > Modular
Data center MP series Data center MP series

MP Series modular UPS is designed to meet with the higher demands of the power system and the products with high reliability. The sy…

Data center MR series Data center MR series

Powerstar MR series rack-mounted modular UPS uninterruptible power systems, high reliability products to meet the higher demands of…

Data center MT series Data center MT series

MT Series modular UPS is designed to meet the demands of the power system that requires only one cabinet and enjoy high availability…

Intelligent power distribution system PDS series Intelligent power distribution system PDS series

Intelligent Modular UPS Power Distribution System mainly provides safe, manageable, expandable, maintainable and intelligent and inc…

Poly PSC data center Poly PSC data center

PowerStar’ PSC series modular data center provides you with a modular construction plan for the entire data center computer room. It…

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