
December 22(Sunday) , 2024

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Monitoring Systems

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Power Info Insight


The software is designed for the development of the solar power systems. It can record and analyze the data of the whole system and the single inverter with assistant of our inverter. Friendly interface, the powerful analysis and the failure alarm make Power Info Insight your best choice to monitor a power plant.


■Display system parameters in detail;
■Failure report and failure alarm;
■Accumulation of electricity quantity, powerful analysis and the historical recordings;
■Easy-use configuration;
Technique parameter

Software system requirements
Windows XP,Windows Vista
The minimum hardware requirements
PⅢ 800MHz, Memory 512MB, Hard drive 200MB
Best resolution
Power plant monitoring
Inverter list, the date of the total generating capacity, history, the total generating capacity, the current total power
Equipment monitoring information (single)
AC voltage, AC current, DC voltage, DC current, device temperature, the day of capacity, with total generating capacity, fault information, communication frequency, power factor, AC power, the same day the power curve and the month generating capacity histogram
Grid information
Grid voltage, grid frequency
Environmental Information
Radiation, wind direction, wind speed (must match our environmental monitor)
Fault alarm
E-mail and SMS
Historical datareport
Historical data and fault information export, regular access to data weekly reports

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